Working with Parents and Carers
Having a child in your care with SEND can at times be extremely challenging.
At Senco Services we understand this first hand, for many of us our children are the reason that we do what we do today.
We can work with you as a Parent or Carer in a variety of ways, explaining complex SEND process, signposting you to relevant support or helping to translate the meaning behind assessments or reports.
It’s not always straight forward to ensure that the child in your care gets the best outcome, or what they are entitled to – we can help support you and your family.
Unfortunately however, despite our best efforts, we cannot do this for free as the world is SEND can be particularly complex.
If you would like to have a discussion to see how we can assist you, please get in get in touch to arrange an initial 30-minute paid consultation.
Within this 30 minute session we will let you know if and how we can assist you.
We will always provide you with a plan of action to work through, even if this is not something we can legally execute on your behalf
Services of interest for Parents and Carers
Dyslexia Assessment and Diagnosis
Our PATOSS registered assessors can carry out all aspects of Dyslexia assessment and diagnosis for those in Key Stage 3, 4 and 5, as well as Post 16 / adult...
EHCP Advice
In addition to supporting the EHCP application process, we often attend Annual Reviews and offer professional representation to ensure that the child or young person gets the recommended level of...
Educational Reports
We are able to assess a pupils learning needs and write reports detailing their strengths and areas for development. All reports come with recommendations for future learning success. These reports...
Irlen Testing
Our Quallified Senior Irlen Screeners are able to assess and diagnose young people with Irlen, as well as suggested recommendations for their learning and produce a report to support this....
EHCP Applications
We have a wealth of experience when it comes to requesting an EHC Needs Assessment (EHCNA) from the Local Authority – If accepted this may end up as an Education...
Interpreting Professional Reports
Our consultants are familiar with reports from a large number of professionals and are able to read these and translate their content in order for SEND practitioners and families to...
Everyone at Senco Services has been very helpful and it has all been very straight forward.
Andrea Clack
My daughter felt completely understood during the assessment and afterwards felt a lot more positive and hopeful.
Caroline Warner