Working with Academy Trusts
At Senco Services we work with Multi-Academy Trusts to streamline and standardise the SEND process across their schools.
Our team can work with your leadership and SEND teams to define effective ways of working, ensuring that standards across your trust meet the SEND Code of Practice and that there is consistency to process, documentation and procedures.
We have developed our own approach to ensuring SEND excellence, that we call the ‘Three Pillars of SEND Progress’ – designed to help create high performing SEND teams, it focuses on Consistency, Quality and Collaboration. This approach not only streamlines a Trust’s SEND practices but makes them measureable, allowing ongoing adjustment to improve the provision within your SEND teams.
In addition to our consultancy, we also perform independent audits of your SEND practices with RAG ratings, reviewing your schools against typical Ofsted criteria and the SEND code of practice, helping you proitise and identify areas for development.
Make no mistake we are hands on, we will also support your SENDCos, deliver relevant training in areas such as JCQ updates, the SEND Code of Practice, Interventions and Safeguarding.
Many Academy Trusts are seeing the value of aligning and co-ordinating their SEND in this way.
Why not speak with us and see what we can do for your trust, get in touch for a free discussion.
Examples of working with Academy Trusts
Senco Services have been working with the St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Diocesan Multi Academy Trust for nearly 3 years.
We introduced them to the Eastern Counties Educational Trust (ECET) and worked with the MAT to develop a proposal to seek funding for a revolutionary Mental Health programme within their 21 primary schools.
Senco Services designed the programme, which was initially developed to address the surge in mental health related issues in primary schools post-covid, providing (with the support of the YMCA Trinity Group) a qualified Mental Health therapist to conduct one-to-one therapy, with additional group sessions focused on self-esteem, anxiety, behavioural and family challenges.
The programme has been so successful, that it is now in its 3rd year.
Read more about this programme and the positive impact it’s having, in this article here
Services of interest for Academy Trusts
Training Services
We offer a range of staff training services, available to your SEND department, Leadership Team or Whole School. Training can be tailored to your specific needs, and you will be...
High Needs Funding
Support with the application for High Needs Funding, to enable SENDCos to identify and appropriately band pupils on the SEND register to acquire appropriate funding. Our experienced High Needs Funding...
SENDCo Mentoring and Support
Many SENDCos are starting their journey, qualifying in post or challenged with their work load. Whatever your situation as a SENDCo, we can support you. The following services are currently...
Graduated Response and APDR
Planning and implementing the graduated response and an effective Assess Plan Do Review (ADPR) cycle in your setting:
Annual Reviews
Our consultants can lead or guide your team through the Annual Review process. We can work with all parties to establish a time table for your school, supporting the distribution...
Independent SEND Audits
A Senco Services SEND Audit reviews your key policies and practices, gauging their effectiveness and identifying any gaps in your provision, process, and responsibilities. If you wish, we can then...
EHCP Applications
We have a wealth of experience when it comes to requesting an EHC Needs Assessment (EHCNA) from the Local Authority – If accepted this may end up as an Education...
SEND Programme Design
We collaborate with charities, academy trusts and others to design, contribute, and execute SEND programmes and initiatives. As advisors we can shine a light on the SEND education system, delivering...
Data Analysis
Our team are adept at working with Schools performance data to identify gaps, trends and anomalies. Using this data to inform change, this can be carried out in a variety...