
SENDCo Mentoring and Support

Many SENDCos are starting their journey, qualifying in post or challenged with their work load.

Whatever your situation as a SENDCo, we can support you.

The following services are currently the most popular:

  • Planning and implementing the graduated response in your school.
  • Wave 1 – Working with SENDCos to support teaching staff to meet the need of pupils’ on the SEND register in class. This can be through continued professional development programmes, developing policies and procedures to support these pupils and evaluating the effectiveness of these.
  • Wave 2 – Working with SENDCos to develop and deliver successful and impactful interventions for those with a higher need of SEND.
  • Wave 3 – Working with the SENDCo to implement the support required in a pupils EHCP, support the review process of EHCPs and writing of Annual Reviews. As well as support of multiagency working and referrals.
  • Supporting SENDCos with Exam Access Arrangements (EAA), preparing the folders, completing both Form 8’s and Form 9’s. Applying of arrangements on both Acess Arrangements Online (AAO) and directly with Examination Boards.
  • Support with the application for Higher Needs funding, to enable SENDCos to identify and appropriate band pupils on the SEND register to acquire appropriate funding.